Travel with appTaxi and earn Italo Più points!
If you are already a customer of Italo Più Loyalty Program you can earn points for each fare requested and paid for through the app in participating Network cities.
Register your Italo Più Card
- Go to the “Loyalty programs”
- Click on “Add loyalty program”
- Select the Italo Più program and register your Card
- Click on “Save”
Travel and earn points
Call a taxi with appTaxi and pay the ride with the payment in-app. You receive:
Register your Italo Più Card
- Go to the “Loyalty programs”
- Click on “Add loyalty program”
- Select the Italo Più program and register your Card
- Click on “Save”
Travel and earn points
Call a taxi with appTaxi and pay the ride with the payment in-app. You receive:
Bonus points
For all new users of appTaxi we are giving away 100 bonus points:
- You cannot recover the Italo Più points of fares dating from before the activation of your Italo Più Card with appTaxi.
- You cannot recover any Italo Più points lost due to incorrect or incomplete data entry (for example an incomplete or mis-typing of your Card number).
- You cannot earn double Italo Più points for the same fare. If you receive double points for the same fare, the extra points will be cancelled.
- You cannot earn points from different Loyalty Programs for the same fare. If you receive double points, the extra points will be cancelled.
Points accreditation times and methods:
- Bonus points (registration + first in-app payment): the bonus points will be credited together with the points deriving from the first ride requested and paid through the application.
- Registration bonus points: in the event that the ride paid by the app have not been made, the times for assigning bonus points relating to registration to the loyalty plan (for downloading the application and registering the Card) may vary up to the tenth day of month following registration of the Card.
- Payment by app points: the points generated by the in-app payment for a ride will be sent to the loyalty plan starting from midnight on the day the payment was made and up to five days thereafter.
- Exclusions: the crediting times to the customer carried out directly by the loyalty plan are not included in that deadlines.
For more information or assistance regarding the awarding of points, please contact our Customer Service or the Italo Assistance service on 892020.