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In Florence take a cab with appTaxi!

Do you need a taxi in Florence and don’t know where you are?

appTaxi locates your location on the maps of Florence by itself. Check that your GPS is active while you’re using the app and with a simple tap you can order a taxi.

Looking for the taxi number at Florence?

With appTaxi you don’t need to call! Open the app and order the taxi in a few taps selecting the options that suit you or using the Note field for your particular requests.

Do you want to pay your taxi to Florence by credit card?

You can pay for your taxi ride by credit card, Satispay or one of the digital wallets available. When you order a taxi, choose the method you prefer, and in a few minutes a taxi enabled with the method of payment you have selected will arrive.

At Florence request the taxi with the characteristics you want

You can rrequest a taxi on Florence personalized with the options it needs. You can choose a station wagon, select the number of passengers and suitcases or a taxi suitable for transporting small animals.

Cab fares Florence

Le tariffe del taxi a Florence sono già in mano tua!
Usa l’app per conoscere la stima della tua corsa: scopri come.

About Florence

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